New Tools
New workshop tools today, Always trying to keep up with the latest tech. Two new battery supports to help with the growing work load.
We are faced with many different battery types in modern cars, all of which respond differently to charging, many of which wont fully charge relying on the vehicle system., Also many batteries are discarded due to sulphating.. These new chargers when connected, automatically identify the style of battery and adjusts the charging requirements to suit, and in some cases can reverse the sulphating to give your battery back some of its life.
Another feature is we can set a voltage to be maintained while working on the vehicle, critical when fault finding, scanning, coding etc. Once set we can turn on all systems, fans, heater, lights etc and the voltage wont drop, and these are rated at a whopping 100amps. Our first battery support pictured 3 down can manage a whopping 150amps
Above and below, magnet mounted to two of our hoists, 5 metre cables allow the full travel of the hoist while still connected, great for those service jobs, ensuring every car serviced gets a top up at minimum, and we can determine state of charge prior to completing the job. If needed we can connect to our more mobile unit..