For 5 years we had 3 E46 BMW’s running around town. The name change was a great opportunity for trade up to newer, with fewer kms.
So 2 of the BMW’s have been sold and gone to new homes. TOY001 I just couldn’t let go….Maybe its time??
So we have added a MK5 Golf GT,
And new to us, not yet signed up is a 2010 MK6 Golf wagon.
Also yet to be decided on is the A4 Audi in the background. This might be the new TOY001 if i can finally part with my old BMW
Wow I cannot believe it but we are coming up on a year on from re-branding. What a wild ride its been.
We’ve done everything we set out to do 12 months ago, We’ve added a hoist, bought more tools, changed up the loan cars and more…
There’s always more to do, improvements to make, and more cars to service and repair…
Watch out for the 12 month summary blog!! And whats up next…
A4 Audi using oil getting some engine work. Piston ring modification and some head work..
Great view this morning getting to work, This ones getting a water pump with some help from Autosure. Pays to have a warranty.. Getting the S-tronic adaptations done while its in too.
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