Little Blue updates- Series 2A getting a mechanical makeover. Part2
New to the blog and want to check out part one of Little Blue/ Check it out here—- LittleBlue
I thought I would kick off with Part two after having a wee break from Little Blue, there has been some weekend progress, however some family commitments have take over my weekends for a while….)) (With a little land Rover helper on the way)..
So here is a little of the more recent progress. Last featured we had a complete stripped down landy, chassis on stands, and I had made a start on the rear axle..
Chassis repairs are well under way, hopefully in the next week or two all the new outriggers will be on and the new cross member as well.
Below, completed rear axle tidied up, this was a complete mess. Diff itself was in good order, have renewed everything brake related, shoes, drums, cylinders, hose, pipes etc. Also wheel bearings ands seals etc, came up nice.
Hows that for a before and after!!
Next up is the front axle, strip down has started.
Chassis updates, well the rear top section was a patchwork quilt, and when removing the tub we found only one bolt holding it on.. (oh and gravity). So its had farm repairs or bush repairs and is in need of some professional help. So in goes some new steel, out comes the straight edges and measuring tapes.. Happy with progress so far.
Tacking in some new steel!!
Below, rtear homemade crossmember has been removed and we ar getting ready to fit the new re-production part..